Alternative Titles/Edition History:
Bill Wilder/First to Fight Variants (2010)
Product Type:
Scenario Pack
Country of Origin:
Historical overview, 372 counters, 6 "mini-maps," 11 scenarios, presumably rules
CONSUMER ALERT: These products, which are typically available only for high prices on E-bay, are of extremely poor quality and most ASLers would find them more or less unusable. There appears to have been little to no proofreading, rules development or playtesting. See the review of One Wild Ride for a more extended look at one of these products. THESE ARE VERY POOR PRODUCTS; BUYER BEWARE.
See entries on Glory & Grief I and One Wild Ride for general comments that would also apply here.
The latest in an endless series of crappy ASL “products” produced by Bill Wilder. This is the third of a three part series on “special forces.” As can be seen from the maps, he does not even know how to present buildngs in ASL.
If this product is like others by this producer, it is not likely to be playable. Keep away.
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