The Gamers (1991-2002); Multiman Publishing (2002-2008)
Product Type:
Non-ASL Magazine with ASL Scenarios, Periodical
Country of Origin:
ASL contents included the occasional article or scenario for the ASL Starter Kit
Operations was the long-running house magazine of wargaming company The Gamers. After MMP absorbed The Gamers in 2002, it gradually converted Operations into an irregularly-published house magazine for all of its games–with one noticeable and irritating exception.
Inexplicably, MMP decided it would not include any ASL in Operations, even though they were assured additional subscribers if they included even an occasional ASL scenario. Starting in 2005, with the advent of the ASL Starter Kit, MMP began including occasional articles and scenarios on the ASL Starter Kit in Operations–but still no regular ASL content. In 2008, MMP announced that it would end its prohibition on ASL-related content in Operations Magazine. The first issue to contain full ASL content was the first Operations Special Issue. Operations Special Issues are treated as a separate publication on this website.
When it was published by The Gamers, Operations came out regularly. Once publication was assumed by MMP, its publication schedule became very irregular. In 2008 MMP stated that its plan was to produce two issues of Operations a year plus a Special Issue. It ended up producing Special Issues, but never succeeded in producing a regular issue again, allowing Operations to flicker out after many years in existence. In 2011, MMP decided to combine Operations and Operations Special Issues into a new twice-yearly magazine dubbed, confusingly, Special Ops.
ASLSK scenarios included in Operations include:
- #46 Fall 2004: S7 (Prelude to Festung Brest)
- #47 Spring 2005: S8 (Ad Hoc at Chef-du-pont)
- #48 Winter 2005: S17 (A Ridge Too Far)
- #49 Winter 2006: S18 (Baking Bread)
- #50 Spring 2007: S19 (Purple Heart Lane)
- #51 Summer 2007: S28 (Out of Luck)
- #52 Fall 2007 S29 (No Monumental Acclaim)
- #53 Fall 2008 S32 (Göring’s Men)
Information on Special Issues of Operations Magazine is HERE.
Note that all of the scenarios listed above, with the exception of S32, may be downloaded for free from MMP’s website, along with several SK scenarios from Operations Special Issues (S30, S31, S35, and S36):